February 23
From Sue
Since Eric was teaching his course today, we went to Reina without him and had Raul drive us. Many thanks to everyone who gave us toothpaste and toothbrushes for the kids in Peru. We talked about hygiene and preventing sickness by washing hands, etc. We brought a lot of stuff like soap, germ-x, and tissues which were provided by the Orphan Care Ministry at our church. We also discussed the importance of brushing their kids teeth and keeping their face and hands clean. They did not know that most germs are passed around on the hands. The kids and Raul watched some of the babies again and they do such a good job. The girls were getting ready for visitors so they had many chores to do and were not around very much. We had talks with some of the girls and they asked us if we wish our skin was darker. We told them that many people in the US try to get their skin darker. They told us they wished their skin was lighter and they wanted lighter eyes. We asked why and they just said that they like the color. Ironic I guess; it must be human nature to want what you don't have. One girl named Wendy, told us she was leaving the home and today and going to live with her family; it seemed like it was a good thing for her. Another girl named Jessica, wrote me the sweetest note thanking me for coming and teaching them. They are wonderful girls and it is a delight to spend time with them. It is also very cool watching our kids interact and be such awesome witnesses by the way they love the babies.
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