March 23
From Sue
We had the opportunity yesterday to say goodbye to Yolanda and the boys. Guili arranged for them to meet her at her office and then they walked over to our apartment. The boys were very excited to see Eric as usual. We then took them over to the playground at the park near our house. The boys loved it! Rebekah and Eliljah eventually joined in especially after the kids spotted two puppies that some folks had in the park. They loved playing with them but got a little over exuberant and chased the owners away:) That led to them gathering branches and putting them on a pile. They don't understand each other but seem to communicate nonetheless. We had a chance to visit with Yolanda and ask her about school and her English classes. She still misses the home and has had some challenges with making decisions and juggling her school and work. She is currently in the process of switching schools because her old one is too far away and she can't find someone to watch the boys. It was a very difficult choice for her because the other school is better. She is doing what a good mother does, putting her children's needs first. Not easy for anyone especially when you are 18. After the kids finished playing, we got ice cream for everyone. Then it was time for goodbyes. Luckily the boys are so hyper and distracting, it wasn't too hard. We are hoping Yolanda will come to Reina on Thursday for the pizza party. Please continue to pray for her and the boys.
On Monday night, I went to my last BSF with my Lima class. It has been a pleasure getting to know the women. We got some really nice photos for me to remember my time with them.
We are now in the process of cleaning and packing. (Didn't I just do this?) We have been thinking about what we will miss and what we won't miss. What we will miss-the girls at Reina, Guili, Yolanda and the boys, in short- the people, the view of the ocean, the weather, the bread, chifles (banana chips-delicioso), churros, the family time, slower pace. What we won't miss-our noisy neighbors, the traffic, mildew, milk, mosquitoes, only soccer on the sports channels. What we can't wait to see/do/experience-sleep in our own beds with our own pillows, see our friends (not necessarliy in this order:)), drink the milk, pet our dog (yes, he made the list), play in our yard, listen to the quiet, eat Maggie's cookies!
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