Thursday, January 14, 2010

Answered prayer

January 14
From Sue
In our last post, I told you that we were homesick, bored, needed some purpose and asked for prayer about that. Well, our Lord answered- and so quickly! Giugliana, one of our friends on the Buckner staff, came over yesterday and we talked about what the kids and I can do to help her at Reina de la Paz. We are going to be helping watch babies while Giugli teaches Bible and I am going to be talking to the girls about bonding and playing with their babies. Giugli said the girls aren't sure how to interact with their babies. It makes sense; that is learned behavior. Anyway, we start on Tuesaday morning. Please pray for us about that and also that we wouldn't dwell on what we are missing.
We also had a skype conversation with our small group last night and that was really cool! We shared a bit and then ended with a cyber prayer. Those folks are a huge blessing to us.
We and the rest of Lima, continue to wonder when the sun is going to shine. It is very humid though. If I am moving, I sweat and when I am sitting, I am chilly. Running is also a challenge with the humidity, the bikers and other runners. There doesn't seem to be any unspoken rules about keep to the right or pass on the left. I can't believe that more people don't get plowed over by bikes! I am told that in the US, we have a greater need for personal space.
Later this morning we are off to the Vivanda supermercado for our tiny boxes of cereal and milk:)

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