Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19
From Rebekah
Hi! We went to the beach. We watched the ocean and got crashed by a wave. We really did! We sat on the rocks. I got a purse for a souvenir. I like to go to the park. Me and my brother found a snail. We named it snailly. We made a home for it. I played with babies at Reina de la Paz. One of them was named Shirley. I did like playing with the babies. I enjoy playing. I miss my friends.

From Elijah
I found coral with mussels and we got splashed with a humungous wave. Only my shorts got wet.
I got an Inca Kola shirt for a souvenir. I miss my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Rebekah & Elijah, sounds like the ocean is lots of fun. Watch those waves! I think it is great that you are helping with the babies and kids at the orphanage. I know you miss your friends, but remember, WE MISS YOU and look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on Skype next time.
    Lots of love from MaMa & PaPa.
